Are You Beta?

Now this question may very well trigger a few people. And if it does, then that probably means you are Beta. Welcome to a men’s lifestyle magazine article that will make you reevaluate how you see yourself. Confront yourself and deafen yourself and you can become yourself. 

Too philosophical or not making any sense? 

Well, let me explain. Being beta is a choice. Most guys don’t know it because they have been giving their power away for so much of their lives. They have no idea what kind of beast resides in them. A beast that is unruly yet not a monster. 

So here are a few questions you must ask yourself to discover if you are a Beta.

 1 - Are You Focused On Appearance? 

Toronto men's fashion week is very popular among men. Now, are we suggesting that if you like fashion, you aren’t a man? No. Not at all. 

But the question are you focused on your appearance means not so much of how you look but how you think others see you. 

An Alpha and Sigma male do not care how others see them. Well, maybe an alpha does to an extent. But he wants to be seen because he sees himself as a god. 

If you are worried about your appearance and how others see you and cater to how they look at you, then you are a beta. 

 2 - Do You Hold A grudge Over Silly Shit? 

If you asked that chick out and she said no. Do you hold a grudge against her? If so you are a beta. 


Because there are hundreds of chicks out there and to hold a grudge because she doesn’t like you is Beta. If you were an alpha, she would have said yes. 

 3 - Do You Say What You Want? 

Are you scared to say what you want? If so you are a beta. Alphas and Sigmas (when the world is bled wt hearing their voices) say what they want and are unapologetic. They may be wrong but hell THEY WILL NOT BE SILENCED!!

4 - Can You Stand Alone?

If you are only brave when you are in a group, if you can only speak up when others are around you, if you cannot think for yourself and stand-alone - YOU ARE A BETA. 

Men can stand alone if they have to and most men in history who were great stood on their own two feet. 

Are You a Beta? 

This is a question only you can answer. The great thing about men is that they have everything they need to become their best versions of themselves if they but choose to. 
